Anatomy of C. Difficile
As infectious bacteria go, Clostridium difficile may be one of the most vexing for researchers, clinicians, and patients alike. It spreads from person to person by ingestion of the bacterium’s spores, which can not only remain viable for long periods of time outside of a human host, but can withstand most common disinfectants. Within the body, the spores can survive the acidity of the stomach, germinating in the intestines where the bacteria release toxins that wreak havoc on the bowel, causing severe abdominal pain and diarrhea. Read the full article here: Wrestling with Recurrent Infections
Project: Article opener art direction (commissioned to artist, Sean MCcabe); article design, layout and photo edit; illustration of infographic presenting how C. Difficile attacks the gut and two possible therapies.
Client: The Scientist Magazine